Current Weather: Sunny 79
Miles traveled today: 213
Total Vacation Miles traveled: 1,130
Total Miles Traveled: 6,313
Today was such a beautiful day. We started out the day in Windsor Locks, CT going to church. We sat down at church and I started to notice that some of the writings on the statues were not in English, just then mass starts and everyone starts singing in some foreign tongue. Midway through the mass we realized it was in Polish. The mass was very interesting to say the least, but Lacey and I both enjoyed it. When we were walking out the priest was greeting eve
ryone and we must have tourist written all over us, because right away he asked us were we were from. We then started on our round about journey to get to Massachusetts, because being in all 50 states is on my bucket list we took a 20 minute detour just so I could say I was in Rhode Island....Lacey thoug
ht I was crazy. We then headed out to Plymouth just to see where all the early settlers first came in. They have a remake of the Mayflower sitting in the bay, which was pretty cool to look at, but a little expensive for us to get on. We then moved on down the way to check out Plymouth Rock. It was pretty cool for being just a rock, it had the year 1620 stamped on the top and was kept just off the water's edge. While I was looking at the rock I had visions of my grandpa trying to sneak down there with a hammer and getting a chip of the rock. (For anyone reading this who doesn't know my grandpa, he is a rock hound and has been
to chisel off pieces of rock with historical significance.) We then moved on through the historical area of Plymouth to see the first church built after the settlers landed, and also the first burial ground. This burial ground is one of the oldest in the United States. Th
e oldest known gravestone still there is from 1681. The views from atop the cemetery hill was amazing. It made me think of my old vacation spot, Ocracoke Island, NC. We then spent the rest of the day driving along the coast looking at all the old cottages and checking out Cape Cod Bay. Looking forward to tomorrow!!
Next Stop.....Boston, MA