Billings, MT
Sunny 91
I would first like to congratulate Lafayette, Indy, and Decatur for making the 100 degree mark. I actually still remember back in 1988, perhaps my first weather memory, when Ft. Wayne broke the all time record of 106. I can remember sleeping in my parents room because that was the only air conditioning in the house and then filling up a kiddie pool with the entire family inside of it. I wasn't even 4 years old but I remember my historical weather events!

So today I literally feel like
I've been to the edge of civilization and back. We started out the day in
Broadus, MT, which i thought was in the middle of no where (see picture to the right). Our site is is located on an open range where the cattle can roam free across the roads and even the highway. There are signs all over warning about cattle on the roads. I found out from the guy I was working with that if you hit a cow, you have to pay for the cow...
I'll drive slowly. We then headed to our next site, which is what I consider the edge of civilization. I almost felt like I was in the Nevada desert, just more trees and grass. The "village" was called
Birney. Population 12....yes 12. If these people wanted to go to the grocery store they had to travel at least an hour, its one of the most remote places in Montana, I'm so glad I could visit! Can't wait to get home to see Lacey and go to Glacier tomorrow!
Stay cool Indiana!