Current location: Guymon, OK
Current weather: Overcast 64
Miles traveled today: 35.8
Total miles traveled: 3,700.8
Miles traveled today: 35.8
Total miles traveled: 3,700.8
Well today was our work day. We had 2 days of travel to take down these towers and 2 days of travel ahead of us. This might have been the hardest day for us during these 3 weeks. We took down the two towers in about 6 hours, and we had to use the primitive way of our pulley system. Nathan and I were really wishing we had that man lift when we got to the second tower and our muscles were getting weaker. We did however have almost perfect weather.....overcast, 60 degrees, no wind....NO WIND!! That is almost unheard of out in the high plains, so w
e had to take advantage of it. Nathan and I also made a decision to stay in Guymon again instead of Liberal, KS because we passed the hotel in Liberal and it looked pretty dumpy. We will be hitting the road bright and early in the morning headed back for a stay somewhere in the Kansas City area.
My pictures tonight are from my favorite things on the high plains....tumbleweeds!! I named this one Tommy.
Next up....Somewhere Kansas City, KS
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