Location: Old Orchard Beach, ME
After our wonderful two days in Boston, we headed up the coast into New Hampshire where we stopped to eat in Portsmouth. This was a very nice little town with some great shops right along the Atlantic. We stopped and had lunch and we could see across the border into Maine, where it was of course foggy. The fog was the story of our Maine portion of the trip, it seemed the moment we crossed the bridge it was fog everywhere the entire day! We set up camp and decided to head out to see the beach. It was really nice and there was really no one there...I guess the tourist season doesn't start until late June up there. I also got the hint when we were the only ones pretty much in the campground. It was however really nice to have the entire beach just to yourselves. If you are wondering how cold the water was I can tell you from experience...
.very cold!!! I decided on the second day that I wasn't going to go all the way to the Atlantic without at least jumping in. COLD COLD COLD! The highlight of our Maine trip has to be our lovely lobsters that we cooked at the campground. We named them pinchy a
nd pinchy...very original i know. The next day it was still very foggy, but we decided to check out some of the lighthouses nearby. We couldn't really see much, but it was still a pleasant drive up the coast. I would love to visit Maine again soon, it was such a wonderful place and we had so much fun. On Friday we broke down camp and of course the sun came out....go figure.
Tomorrow.....New York