Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Sorry for the long break, I've been trying to get back into the swing of things now that i'm home. I will pick up from where I left off in Boston. Our next stop on trail was the Old South Meeting House. This is where many of the Bostonians met to discuss the tax on tea. We then walked across the street to the Old State House. In my opinion this was the coolest building in Boston. This is the oldest surviving building still standing in Boston and it dates back to 1712!! The next stop along the trail is actually right where i'm taking this picture from, the site of the Boston Massacre. We then moved on to the Italian district where we saw Paul Revere's house. I knocked on the door but I guess he wasn't home at the moment.

We then made the long walk across the bridge to see the USS Constitution. The oldest boat still afloat in the world. They are in the process of restoring it and they said it was going to be completed later this month.
More on my trip tomorrow!

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