Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
It's a tea party!
My computer is running low on be continued...
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Hey England, the Mayflower has landed!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Say Cheese!!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Since this is my Ninth trip up here, I pretty much have seen all the sights around the
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Follow the yellow brick road
Today we left Guymon, OK, and I was actually pretty sad. I was sad not because Guymon is such a great place, but because as we were gassing up the truck the storm chasers were gathering for the day. You know its going to be a good severe weather day when you see the chasers in your town. In fact as I write this, there are 3 tornadoes on the ground in Texas and Oklahoma. On our way out, we did however stop in Liberal, KS, to see the official house from the Wizard of Oz.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind
Miles traveled today: 35.8
Total miles traveled: 3,700.8
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Going green
Current weather: Sunny 64
Miles traveled today: 448.3
Total miles traveled: 3,665

Monday, April 19, 2010
Wagons West!
Current weather: Sunny 66 degrees
Miles traveled today: 524
Total miles traveled: 3,216.7
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Home sweet home
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Dust in the wind
Current weather: Cloudy 48
Miles traveled today: 95
Total miles traveled: 2,246
Next up....West Lafayette, IN!!!
Monday, April 5, 2010
I've seen fire, and I've seen rain and hail
Current weather: Thunder 54 degrees
Miles traveled today: 510.2
Total miles traveled: 2,151.2
When we got to the farm they already had the man lift ready for us to use. We got a quick lesson on how to run the man lift and then up we went. We were a little scared at first especially with the stiff wind at the top of the tower, but we eventually calmed down and the towers came down as well. We did however have trouble with the base of the tower and will have to go back tomorrow and work on that more, if the weather gives us a break.
Here is a view from above as we take down the towers of the lone barn in the field. I really like this old barn and have taken many pictures of it when I have visited this site. Tomorrow we may have some severe weather so stay tuned for some cool weather pics!
Next up.....Jefferson, IA (round two)
Friday, April 2, 2010
The eagle has landed
Current weather: Sunny 82
Miles traveled today: 289.7
Total miles traveled: 1,641
We made it back into Lafayette today around 2:30 and we went straight to the farm to drop off our towers and we finished our work around 4. It feels really great to be back home after a trip like that. We were gone for about 72 hours 30 of which were spent in the truck, you can imagine how good it feels to be out of there!
To celebrate my return, Lacey and I went to Maru, this is a really good sushi place in West Lafayette. We then went to Holy Thursday Mass at St. Boniface and it was such a beautiful mass. This was my first time going to church on Holy Thursday and I really enjoyed it.
Well one more day of work, most of which will be turning in all my travel stuff from this past week and getting ready for our next trip to Iowa. More adventures coming soon from the cornfields of Iowa!!! Have a great Easter everyone!
Next up....Jefferson, IA
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
O-H!!! N-O!!!

Once we got into Virginia we decided to stop at a historic site along the interstate. We stopped at Shot Tower State Park only to find out they don't open until April 1, go figure. We did however get a picture of the tower and I read about what it was used for. I found out that this tower was used to make lead shot for the civil war. Lead and firewood were taken to the top of the tower and the lead was melted down. The molten lead was then dropped down pipes of different sizes and the lead fell over 150 feet, most of it being underground. As the lead fell not only did it cool but it also took on a spherical shape. The lead then fell gently into a large pot of water to cool down even further.
We then ran into our first traffic jam/wreck of the trips. I think by the time we got there most of the carnage was cleaned up. The only thing we could see was the remnants of a semi trailer that had caught fire. I just hope everyone was ok.
Tomorrow we have about 5 hours ahead of us, and I'm looking forward to being back home for a few days and spending time with Lacey's family for Easter before we head out to Iowa.
Next up.....The Holy Land (West Lafayette, IN)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Carolina on my mind
Today we woke up to a rainy/foggy morning, and being in the mountains with a low cloud deck the travel was a bit difficult at times. Our hotel last night sat up on a fairly steep hill. I'm glad we never stayed at this hotel before with the trailer because I don't think we would have made it up. This is a view from the parking lot of the hotel to give you an idea of the hill we were on.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Take me home, country roads
This morning we kicked off our travels at 8am. We woke up to a heavy frost...hopefully we won't run into anymore of this the rest of the trip, 80s by the end of the week?!? We then headed off to the Uhaul on the west side to pick up our trailer. I was hoping that this would take us maybe 10 minutes.....wrong!

We then moved into West Virginia, the coal capital of the world. I just took this picture because i thought the smoke looked cool against the dark blue clouds in the background. So here I am now in Bluefield, WV a town that sits in a valley right along the West Virginia/Virginia border.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
It begins....
Current Weather: Light Rain 45
Miles Traveled: 0
Starting tomorrow (March 29th) I will be traveling by truck all over the country taking down weather instrument towers. I estimate that we will be on the road for about 80hrs. The first trip takes me to Eastern North Carolina. I'm sure I'll have many stories and pictures to share in the coming month. Stay tuned!